I'm 27 and strive to be a Terminator, but I'll settle for a screenwriter instead. Spokane resident, nerd, an "eccentric who looks good in jeans."

Friday, September 9, 2016

I dated a pedophile for 3 years... and didn't know it.

I realize it has been about 2 years since this blog has been alive, and I have so much that has changed in my life, and things I need to share, but this... This has been on my mind, in my dreams, and subconscious for a month or so now, and I really need to write it out. So. Here goes.

I was a mere 23 year old. Super awkward, didn't know who I was, basically living in a shell.
I had lost around 60 pounds at that point in my life, so the 300 pound girl, turned into a 220-230 pound girl. I wasn't sure how to function, I was always the big girl, and even though I wasn't skinny by any means, I still was a significant amount smaller than usual.
I was attending film school, which was the coolest thing about me at the time.
I took classes on writing comic books, which lead me to local comic shops looking for certain graphic novels/comics. I Hesitantly walked into one downtown. I was reluctant just because the other comic shops employees were dicks to me, and I didn't want to deal with that again.
I was pleasantly surprised. These guys were awesome. One in particular wanted to know my interests, and would tell me ones he thought I should read.
This was not the boy I was interested in, the one I liked wore orange, had brown hair, wasn't skinny, but wasn't a big dude either. He was a nerd, and I liked that. He however, did not give me the time of day. I'm not quite sure what made me get the idea that asking him out to coffee was a good plan, but I did it. After an intense round of Magic the Gathering, (he was a judge) I walked over and asked him to have coffee with me. He accepted, gave me his number and told me to meet him there the very next night. Wow. I asked a dude out and he said yes.
I had a day of anxiety, nerves, wanting to back out, wondering what to wear, what to talk about, etc. I finally went back to the shop and he confessed he didn't drink coffee, but I was cute. We walked around Downtown Spokane for a couple of hours, just talking. He was a tad cryptic at times, and he wouldn't really tell me anything without being mysterious. It was interesting to me, and I wanted more. He walked me to my car, and asked for my number. I told him he had to make arrangements for date two if he was interested.
He was.
Two dates and I had myself a boyfriend.
I will use that term very lightly.
During the three years we were together I learned practically nothing about him. We saw each other once a week for a few hours if I was lucky, he would rarely call me, and he didn't return or start texts.
The normal girl would have peaced out, but I was thinking change was going to come. I would be pissed at him, and he would do something that could pass as "boyfriendy" and I would forgive him.
Our 6th month anniversary my mom passed away. I hadn't heard from him for days, and trying to get ahold of him on that particular day seemed impossible. It got to the point where my best friend almost had to call him at work. He went to work for a couple hours. A COUPLE OF HOURS. In this time, my mom had died, and I was a mess. He came and got me and took me to dinner and a movie. I was crying hysterically the entire date and looked insane. I made him meet my dad that night, cause he refused to meet my parents.
From that day forward I was not the same girl. I struggled. A lot. My mom and I were insanely close, and I took this loss hard. I would text the boy to let him know I needed him and got nothing in return.
Once again, I am kind of an idiot. I held up hope. I thought I would be the one to change him, to make him try. If I did all the great girlfriend things, he would want to be the best boyfriend. I would bring him lunch at work, get him random gifts, drive downtown to see him every week. I texted him cute things, and was possibly the greatest girlfriend of all time. It didn't matter. I didn't know why, but I wasn't even making a dent.
He spent a lot of time with the Boy Scouts, he said he was a leader, his dad and brother were also involved. He "big brothered" for quite a few kids. I always felt like that was a little more important than it should be, but it was an honorable thing. He was good with kids. Always a good sign.
Shit would get weird sometimes. He showed up to my house with a bloody nose and busted lip one day because the boy he had been letting stay with him got upset. Or at least that is what he told me.
The boy staying with him was a really weird thing too. He had a mom, and I'm not exactly sure what happened. I was never even allowed in his house, so I never saw how that living arrangement worked.
I had to fight for attention. I was never good enough. No matter what I did.
There was a girl he would talk about, and I was jealous of her. She seemed to be getting the attention that I needed, and deserved. He would brush it off, tell me I was hot and she was weird. End of conversation. He ended up breaking up with me in an Applebees parking lot and started dating her almost immediately. Her and I are friends now, so there's no hard feelings, especially with what we learned about him. 
This break up nearly broke me. My first experience with what I thought was love, just trashed. I had a huge rough patch. Probably about six months or so, I was a complete basket case. For that time he strung me along like a puppet. We would see each other, have coffee and he would tell me things like "don't disappear" and " I want you in my life" but was dating someone else, and obviously didn't give a shit about me. This break up also made me realize I didn't fully deal with my moms death, and I dealt with everything all at once. I got myself into counseling as soon as I could. I decided to change. I decided to color my hair, lose weight, and become a better version of myself. I did all of those things. Lost 60 pounds, started running, gained all sorts of confidence. I even write this while sitting on the couch next to my fiancĂ© and puppy, things I never expected to have. 
It wasn't until two or three years after our relationship ended that I learned about his extra curricular activities. Turns out he was uploading kiddie porn, selling it, and he had molested boys in the past.
He had pictures of boys as young as 4 on his laptop. I do not know if he was in the photos or not, and I frankly don't care. He is the worst kind of person.
People were defending him, like there was a mistake. Too bad he admitted to the cops that everything was true, but still pleaded not guilty.
There was so much wrong in this relationship, and I now know why. It was never me. He used me as a cover. He used every girl he ever dated as one. It wasn't anything about any of us. He dated some really awesome ladies. I've gotten drunk and had pizza with them. 
I have checked lately, and he doesn't seem to be in jail in Spokane that I can find. I'm not sure why he isn't, cause he's gross and needs to be. I'm so sad that he soured my first boyfriend experience. 
I'm also extremely disappointed in myself for letting some treat me like that for so long. For not knowing what kind of person I wanted to share my life with. 

There is so much more I could post about this, and I might one day. 
I still feel so betrayed and violated. 
Let alone stupid and ashamed. 

I have actually started and stopped writing a book about this many times. 
It may seem silly, but getting it all out is therapy. 
My first book will not be about this asshole. 

He doesn't deserve that.

Sunday, October 26, 2014


This past weekend I was apart of PAC CON.  For the first time as a comic book writer, I got to sit on panels and talk about what I do, why I do it, and how amazing it is.

I felt a little out of place at first. I was on panels with writers. People who write novels, graphic novels, web comics, or fan fiction. Why was I up there talking about the two comics and several screenplays I have done? What gives me the right to be up there too?

I started writing comics because it was fun, I got asked to, and I felt like I was apart of something bigger than me. I have kept writing because I genuinely love it. I would absolutely love to get a job writing for an indie comic publisher. I feel like I would fit in there.

It's so crazy to think of how life has changed for me over the years.

I wanted to direct horror movies. I wanted to be behind the camera. Now I want to write them, make my story alive on the screen. I want to write comics, and be apart of this nerd culture that I hold so close to my heart.

I have a lot to learn, but I know I'm on the right track.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Thank You Note

I wrote this for my current boyfriend, and with his permission, I have decided to post it here. I'm really in love with this piece of writing, as I am with this boy. Enjoy.

I want to write a thank you note:

Thank you for breaking my heart. Thank you for dating me for three years, with zero intention of making any sort of commitment to me, and not telling me about it. Thank you for spending as little time as you could muster with me. Thank you for seconding me to Magic: The Gathering.  Thank you for telling me my feelings were stupid. Thank you for putting little to no effort into my birthdays, Christmas, Valentines Day, and especially New Years. Thank you for making someone more important than me, even when I was your girlfriend. Thank you for making me hold onto my virginity. Thank you for rarely telling me I was beautiful. Thank you for never saying I love you.

I want to write another thank you note:

Thank you for listening. Thank you for texting me all day. Thank you for Facetime conversations almost every night. Thank you for watching my favorite movie and eating my favorite pizza. Thank you for making me feel whole again. Thank you for being my boyfriend. Thank you for using pet names. Thank you for kissing me in public. Thank you for my first hickey. Thank you for the flowers. Thank you for smelling so nice. Thank you for talking to my daddy. Thank you for being who you are. Thank you for making me feel like marriage is possible. Thank you for making me a sap. Thank you for telling me your phone pass code. Thank you for almost crying at the airport. Thank you for being on my mind constantly. Thank you for being husband material. Thank you for wanting to be with me regardless of my size. Thank you for loving my hair. Thank you for having amazing arms. Thank you for being persistent, even when I had doubts. Thank you for buying me comic books. Thank you for being gross with me.  Thank you for letting me feel the burning my insides kind of love for you. Thank you telling me I’m beautiful. Thank you for being understanding. Thank you for waiting. Thank you for knowing exactly what I’m thinking or what I’m going to say. Thank you for the Good Morning Beautiful text messages on the daily. Thank you for being ok with me being a starving artist. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for saying I love you. Thank you for saying it first.

When it comes down to it, I couldn’t have the last thank you note, without the first one.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Rock Bottom Series. New Years.

Rock Buttom Series One: New Years

You have to hit rock bottom before climbing back to the top again.
This is a hard lesson to learn, and I, my friends, have learned it.

2013 basically sucked.

I should have known from New Years Eve that year, since usually New Years Eve sets the tone for the whole year.
If you couldn't tell, that night was horrible. The "at the time" boyfriend had to work (even though I think he did this on purpose) so i was used to spending most of the night alone, and would get my kiss at midnight, then go home. Alone.
I did this for three years, so I shouldn't be surprised when 2013 did the same. I got my kiss, and went home. Alone. Except, this time I wanted him to stay the night with me. I thought I had him convinced, but then when I left his work place I didn't hear from him. Texted him, nothing. I actually didn't hear from him for days after.
This was an on going theme.. but we won't get into that now.

2014 I brought in the New Year drunk with wonderful friends. Probably the best New Year I have ever had. I got super sick that day, and was sick for the entire week. It was the worst cold ever, but I'm super glad that I experienced that day.

Now that 2014 is half gone, it makes me think about 2015, and New Years Eve.
I have recently fallen in love with a boy ( I KNOW) and embarked on a long distance relationship.
This is how it has worked.
He "courted" me for months. We talked all day, everyday before he came to visit me.
I didn't want to make things official until I met him, in person. (He had asked me quite early on to be his girlfriend.)
He came for 4th of July weekend, and I'll tell you what, he was the most perfect human.
We spent the weekend meeting my friends, drinking beer, and eating whatever we wanted to.
When he left I knew I didn't want him to go. I cried. A lot.
We made plans for me to go see him in October. I purchased my plane tickets already, and I'm so anxious and excited.
In October we will make plans for him to visit me again, and so on....

I want to bring in 2015 with this boy. I can think of no better way to do it.

It will be like my first New Years Eve with a boyfriend again.
A boyfriend who wants to spend time with me.
Who will kiss me at midnight
 and will go home with me

 so him and I can be alone.

Let's do this 2015

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Offically announcing that I will be there.

Jeremy and I will have a table, actually the best table, D1.

I get a badge, which I've never had before for anything.

SK8RZ, our newest comic endeavor is being unveiled that day.


Have I mentioned I'm excited about this?



Monday, April 14, 2014

Supernatural Send Out

So, remember that one time where I wrote an episode of Supernatural for a class and it was rad?

Ok, well I maybe a little biased.

With season 10 approaching, and potentially their last, I decided I couldn't sit on this anymore.

What did I do, you ask?

While in school, my screenwriting professors made it really clear that even if we are in the age of digital and email, it is always most professional to physically send out your screenplay. Get yourself a THREE HOLE PUNCHER (PSYCH reference) brad it together, and send it out.

I went to Walmart and purchased the adult things like the three hole puncher, brads, and a printer, since my died a while ago.

I printed out two copies of the script. One to send to the Hollywood crew, and one to send to the Vancouver Crew. With International shipping costs, that one will be like 40 bucks to send out, but well worth it.

This could be the key to everything, or absolutely nothing. I've decided that I need to start taking risks for what I want. I want to write for TV, movies, and comic books, and I can't do that just thinking about it in my bedroom.

I'm sure every fan girl absolutely hates me right now, but once again. WORTH IT.

If i could write on Supernatural for their last season, my life would be complete. The chances are small, seeing as they tend to keep the same writers per season, but I'm, hopeful. I'm passionate, I'm "ballsy".

Wish me luck through this endeavor!

I'm absolutely terrified, but I gotta start somewhere, right?

Sunday, April 6, 2014

I don't wanna be anything other than… me

I've lost 45 pounds.

I went to ECCC and had a blast.

I'm working with comics again, and I couldn't be happier.

There can only be good things that will be happening in my near future, and I'm just so excited.

I'm going to turn this blog into more of a professional outlet, until I can figure out how to get a website up and running. I'm going to go back to posting writing on here, and even try to get my first comic up, as well as the new one when it is finished.

May 31st is Spokane Comicon, so EVERYONE i know should come out to support the book.

I'll be getting my facebook back soon (boo) to start to plug the book and the kickstarter!

Hope everyone is doing well, and I look forward to posting awesome new stuff soon!